Amazon Fraud Detector

Reduce online payment fraud by flagging suspicious online payment transactions before processing payments and fulfilling orders. With Amazon Fraud Detector, you can setup your checkout flow to evaluate new orders and flag suspicious ones for review prior to processing payments. Spot potential fraudsters among customers without transaction histories. With Amazon Fraud Detector, you can send as little as two pieces of data from a guest checkout order (e.g., email, IP address) to assess its potential fraud risk, so you can decide whether to accept it, review it, or collect more customer details. Online service and loyalty program abuse Identify accounts that are more likely to abuse online services such as loyalty or ‘Try Before You Buy’ programs that ship goods for customers to try before sending payment. With Amazon Fraud Detector, online businesses can help assess the risk of customers abusing programs, for example by stealing merchandise or engaging in returns abuse, so businesses can limit their risks by applying appropriate limits on the value of goods or services provided.


Amazon Fraud Detector

$29.99  /  


USD/user/month (billed monthly)